Thursday, August 2, 2012

a book for tweens (ages 9 to 15), is a fantasy/adventure story about the spiritual journey of a 13-year old boy. Sent on a Quest by his Guardian Angel to gain knowledge and discover who he truly is, Michael finds himself suspended in the bizarre land of Betwixt and Between. He must travel a dangerous path if he hopes to return to earth and home again. Using his wits and all his energy Michael struggles to reach his goal. If he succeeds in his quest, what will he find? What is the secret knowledge awaiting him?

“Come back, Michael, come back.”
Michael tried to answer his cousin Kaity’s cry. He swallowed a mouthful of water instead. His head bobbed up and down in the churning water of the Palatucka River, but he managed to catch a glimpse of her racing after him. Above the roar of the water he heard her older brother, Tyler, shout, “He can’t come back. I’m going for help.”

“I’ll go with you,” called Kaity’s twin, Curtis.
It had rained for days. The shallow stream Michael waded across a few weeks ago was now so deep he couldn’t touch bottom. Tons of water plunged down from the mountains swelling the creek to a turbulent river. It sped over rocks and boulders, past the loblolly trees-- pulling Michael with it. He tried to fight the strong current. Too powerful; I can’t do it. Dragged underwater, hurled up again, he gasped for breath. Michael’s stomach sank. Kaity’s falling behind. She can’t keep up with the swift current. Around a curve, another curve, until Kaity disappeared.

His strength was fading. In desperation he reached for a boulder. Too slippery! His fingers slid off the surface; he was swept away. Roaring sounded in his ears. The din grew louder with each passing second. His already racing heart pounded even harder. A waterfall! Hurtling toward the brink of a cliff, he made a frantic attempt to turn back. Impossible! The power of the raging river carried him on.
“OH, NO-O-O-O-O---”

Flung over the edge, arms and legs thrashing as he fell, Michael plunged into the angry waters at the bottom of the waterfall. Down into a cold, dark whirlpool, turning round and round, sinking deeper and deeper, until it became so dark he was spinning in blackness. He couldn’t see or grasp onto anything. Pray . . . . Our Father . . . . His lungs were bursting; he couldn’t breathe. Try, . . . Our Father who . . . Pain exploded in his head.
And then he didn’t think at all.

Hope you enjoyed reading the above excerpt.  I am currently writing a sequel to Betwixt and Between called Above and Beyond.  It takes place many years later and features Michael’s daughters, Carly and Anna along with Joseph, their guide in the strange land in which they find themselves stranded.  
Look for my latest novel, a cozy mystery for adults entitled “Long Shadows” scheduled to be released in January 2013.  It tells the tale of two women who arrive at a house plagued by a death, a missing heiress, and unanswered questions.  Their presence stirs up old mysteries and new perils.  Will they survive their confrontation with danger?

Friday, April 13, 2012


            This blog site was established when my first-ever book “Betwixt and Between” was published.  It was meant to give information to readers about my books and the novels of other authors and to exchange thoughts and ideas on writing.   My intention was to keep it strictly limited to the aforementioned subjects.  However, recent events in the United States have brought this country into a dangerous crisis.  After much prayer and thought I feel that I cannot in good conscience fail to comment on those events.

            The First Amendment to our Constitution states:  “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”  The amendment forbids the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion and/or hindering the free exercise of religion. 

In direct opposition to the First Amendment—which guarantees freedom of religion and is the only protection religious groups have from persecution—our President recently issued the HHS Mandate, a decree which would force Catholics to act against their religious convictions concerning abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization, and contraception.  It is not important whether or not one agrees with the Church’s stand on such issues; what is important is that Catholics have the right to believe and act according to their consciences, just as all other religious denominations have the identical right. 

            Yet in a blatant challenge to an established Church, the President is attempting to force Catholics to do his bidding and act against their consciences and religious convictions.  In a clever move our President deliberately chose to focus attention on the controversial issue of contraception, obscuring the true issue of Freedom of Religion.  After all, the truth isn’t going to obtain votes for him, is it? 

To my dismay—but not to my surprise—the so-called “enlightened press” jumped on the bandwagon  and joined the President in muddying the waters of truth by calling opposition to the HHS Mandate a “contraception controversy” and insinuating the Church is hostile to women.  These political lies and innuendos are used as a smokescreen because what the administration is doing cannot be justified.  Notice how our President avoids discussing his mandate in terms of religious freedom. 

Be assured this is not a "contraception" issue or "a war against women."  It is a Freedom of Religion issue and this is a truth President Obama needs to hide since the great majority of Americans believe in the precious freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment.  This is the first obvious move of the administration against organized religion and it is only the beginning…..

Heed the implicit warning:  The mandate issued by the President is clearly intended to weaken and/or bring down the Catholic Church. If the government succeeds in its attempt to wield power over Catholics, it will surely follow that they will then dictate to the religious denominations of all people, Protestants and Jews included.  As a Catholic and as an American citizen who loves her country, I would write these same words if our President had acted against any other religion in the same way he has acted against Catholics.  Let us choose Truth and Freedom or we will all live with the consequences.

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” –John 8:32

Monday, January 16, 2012


I love to write.  In particular, I love writing for tweens, teens, and even kids who are all grown up. In the past I hadn’t asked myself why I enjoy writing so much.  But today, with a little analysis, my conclusion is simple…it’s probably in the genes.  It’s certainly in the family.  My cousin, Heather Haven, is a successful author who wrote the Alvarez Family Murder Mystery Series and my aunt and son have also dabbled in writing. 

Delving back into childhood memories, I remember my father at holiday gatherings seated in an armchair, a flock of kids gathered around him as he wove stories for them.  Our favorite tales were his fictitious adventures as the “Sheriff of Applesauce County.”  For years all the youngsters in the family believed they were the absolute truth and Grandpa had been a sheriff in the Old Wild West.  When he died two of his adult grandsons came to the funeral parlor with a toy sheriff’s badge and slipped it into his pocket.

            I’d often amuse my own grandchildren with tales of a “pretend” land.  Though I loved to read and never passed a day or night without spending some time with my nose in a book, it didn’t occur to me to put my make-believe stories into writing.  I was an artist, busy with family, teaching, and using my free time to paint or sketch. 
However, little by little the urge to write grew and I began to study writing.  It seems to me there’s a strong link between visual and literary art.  Author Brad Meltzer said he loved “to paint with the written word.”  I believe writing is “painting with words” and at this time in my life I’m having lots of fun “painting” in this way.  I’m especially drawn to writing for youngsters.  It seemed natural to elaborate on some of the stories I’d told to my grandchildren and to use them as a foundation for a book.  The result was Betwixt and Between, a novella for tweens (ages 10 to 14), and my first published book.  It is now available as an e-book and in print.

It’s the story of Michael, a thirteen-year-old boy, whose guardian angel sends him on a spiritual Quest to find out who he truly is.  He travels though a fantasy land of fun, adventure and…  Danger!   Among the friends he meets are a young French girl named Callie and super-intelligent Professor Nomolos.  He also finds a strong enemy blocking his way.  Blackjack opposes him at every turn.  Will Michael overcome all obstacles to complete his Quest and return home?  Will he discover who he truly is?  I found the replies to these questions as I wrote, allowing Michael to lead the way. 

I’m now in the process of “painting” a sequel to Betwixt and Between entitled Above and Beyond, in which Michael’s daughters, Carly and Anna, will make their own fantasy journey of self-discovery.  I’ll be traveling with them.  Wish us luck.