Monday, October 24, 2011


Since I am one of their authors, I am proud to announce that MuseItUp Publishing has released Lavendar Dreams, the first anthology to help support cancer research…one dollar at a time.  Muse authors have openheartedly donated ten stories and their royalties to the fight against cancer. Cover art was also generously designed and donated by their artists. 
At the request of the husband of one of our editors who recently passed away after fighting a long battle with cancer, a check will be sent next October to the Dana Farber Research Hospital.
Please mention Lavendar Dreams to family and friends and help in our effort to raise funds for this important cause.  Finding a cure for cancer means a lot to me personally since both my mother and a beloved aunt died from the disease and my father suffered with it for many years.  The anthology is available at MuseIt Up Publishing Bookstore and at Amazon.
Many thanks to all who join in this effort to help those working to find a cure for this dread illness.